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Our Mission

Friendship Center provides innovative activities and programs that honor individuality, promote socialization, and foster a compassionate community for aging adults. Caregivers receive respite, support, and education, enabling them to achieve balance in their lives.

Our Story

Friendship Center is a beautiful adult day program that offers supervised, person-centered activities for adults living with dementia or other cognitive challenges. We offer a wide range of outdoor classes, activities and experiences, allowing its members to socialize, explore hobbies, exercise, and engage in various engaging experiences through one single program.

The staff at Friendship Center are trained in the latest methodology for adult day services and provide a kind and welcoming environment for the members. As a beloved community resource, we aim to always maintain a vibrant and engaging community where members can feel loved, accepted, and at home. As a result, caregivers and family members receive peace of mind knowing their loved one is spending their days somewhere safe and enjoyable!

Friendship Center follows the Person-centered care model. This includes these 8 tenets: Emotional & Physical Support, Continuous Assessment & Adaptation, Information & Education, Community Involvement, Empowerment & Choice, Engagement & Social Connection, Attention to Physical & Environmental Needs, and Honoring Life Stories.

Friendship Center is licensed by Community Care Licensing as a social model adult day program.

As a social model, meaning we do not provide onsite medical care, we are able to design a person-centered program based upon who attends our program. We have retired doctors, teachers, veterans, moms, poets and more...each member of our program is recognized for their individuality and celebrated for all that they have accomplished in their lives.


Our team understands the challenges that come with someone's cognitive decline and the impact it can have on their families. Through open communication and ongoing dialogue, Friendship Center supports families and friends of our participants throughout their caregiving journey. 

Happy Birthday Manny!
Platinum Seal of Transparency 2023 Candid

Board of Directors
Cynder Sinclair | President
Sue Adams | Vice President
Maggie Mixsell | Secretary
Jeffrey Krutzsch | Treasurer
Kathy Marden, MFT | Member-at-Large
Zandra Cholmondeley
Marti Correa de Garcia
Jacqueline Duran
Pat Forgey

David Selberg
Stephen Sharpe
Monica Vidger-Trent
Joe Wheatley


Kathryn Westland, MPH, Executive Director

Amy West, MA, Associate Director

Gabriella Forrester, Digital Operations & Grants Manager - Email

Kim Larsen, Family Enrollment Director - Email

Jean Hall, Operations Coordinator - Email

Esther Kratz, Membership Liaison - Email

Nerely Delgado, Program Manager, Bilingual - Email

Deysi Herrera, DEIA & Wellness Coordinator, Bilingual- Email

Hope Caldwell, MarComms & Executive Assistant -

Sarah Rodriguez, Billing Specialist, Bilingual

Maria Porter, Program Coordinator

Linda Juarez, Program Specialist, Bilingual

Briana Cabrera, Program Specialist, Bilingual

Dawwod George, Program Specialist, Trilingual (Arabic, Spanish)

Andy Carnaghe, Bookkeeper

Dr. Cheryl Ellis, MD, Consulting Medical Advisor

Hope Saxon RN, AGNP-C, Clinical Ed. Coordinator, Bilingual

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